TCM 2016 ABSTRACT BOOK - page 134

Hydrogen and Stability in Oxide Semiconductors
J. Robertson, Y. Guo,
Engineering Dept, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, Uk
Amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOS) are of great interest for use in higher mobility
thin film transistors for displays, for example as OLED drviers. They have a higher mobility
than hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). In a-Si:H prime purpose of hydrogen is to
passivate the dangling bond (DB) defects, forming Si-H bonds. The resulting Si-H bonding
states lie deep in the Si valence band. In AOS’s, the main focus has been on carrier mobility,
the bonding is ionic, with the metal s states forming the conduction band, and the O p states
forming the valence band. There is an instability from light induced bias stress (NBIS). The
exact mechanism is still debated, between O vacancy [1], O interstitial [2,3], or some
hydrogen related process [4,5].
Here, we consider ZnO as the canonical example. Hydrogen can be introduced into the ZnO
network, where it can bond to the O site or the Zn site, see Fig. 1. It can also bond within an
O vacancy. IN principle, hydrogen’s ability to bond to both O and Zn sites, allows it to
passivate both O and Zn DBs. But, unlike in a-Si:H, the Zn-H bonding states lie at the bottom
of the band gap. This they are accessible to optical excitation or to hole trapping. They lie in
the same energy range as the O interstitial states, which have also been considered as causing
Thus we describe here the bonding behavior of H in a-ZnO, and describe the properties of
H related states in AOS’s, and how these might relate to the NSIB.
Fig. 1. Amorphous ZnO network with hydrogen additions(grey = Zn, red = O, white = H)
B Ryu, H K Noh, E A CHoi, K J Chang, APL 97 022108 (2010)
H H Namh et al, Phys State Solidi B 249 1277 (2012)
J Robertson, Y Guo, APL 104 162102 (2014)
H H Nahm et al, Sci Rep 4 4124 (2014)
Y Kang et al, Adv Electron Mats 1 14006 (2015)
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